iHAB-11 - [Saturday - June 15, 2013]

Target Launch:2013-06-15 12:00:00 GMT
-4060 days, 8 hours, 54 minutes, 54 seconds


iHAB-11 - Mission Goals

  • Demonstrate a High Altitude Balloon Launch in conjunction with GPSL 2013.
  • Fly HD Video equipment (GoPro Hero 2) aimed UP
  • Fly HD Video equipment (GoPro Hero 3) aimed Horizontal
  • Fly UHF/VHF CrossBand Repeater.

Launch Location


iHAB-11 - Flight Prediction

NOTE: Flight predictions will begin T-minus 7 Days, and will be updated daily.

  • Launch:

  • Call: W0OTM-11

Flight Coverage

Follow the iHAB-9 flight online with the Interactive Mission Control application. Live video, realtime chat, and live telemetry.

Click HERE



iHAB-11 - Flight Recap

Will be posted after recovery


iHAB-11 - Photos

Will be posted after recovery


Media Relations


Marshall Dias (WØOTM)

w0otm w0otm.com



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